Holiday sare a special time to share with loved ones and build memories. However, they can also be pretty tough on the environment. From disposable packaging to electric lights, holidays often lead to increased consumption, travel and waste. They don’t have to be all bad, though. Following eco-friendly tips like these can help green up your holiday routine.
1. Ditch Plug-In Displays
No matter what holiday you are celebrating, light up and air-powered displays use a considerable amount of electricity. You have plenty of options for non-electric decorations for almost every occasion. Turn to nature for attractive and festive displays or use yard signs Houston to add a big burst of color and energy to your celebrations — all without any extra power required.
2. Shop Locally for Gifts
Driving all around looking for the perfect gift can add miles to your car and harmful emissions to the environment. Opting to shop online isn’t really better when you consider the distances your goods have to travel from manufacture to the warehouse to your front door. Turn your attention toward local merchants that make or source items from closer to home, instead. You’ll be supporting the local economy while also helping the environment.
3. Rethink the Holiday Table
Food is another thing that can easily be found closer to home. Instead of going to a grocery or big-box store, look at farmer’s markets or head directly to a farm for the makings of a fresh and nutritious holiday meal.
4. Recycle or Repurpose Used Decorations
Ask your town or city about available recycling programs. The right packaging can be reused, recycled or composted to reduce the amount of waste created. Even larger decorations like a Christmas tree can be turned into something useful.
By recycling waste, choosing eco-friendly decorations and shopping local, you can reduce your environmental impact as you celebrate special occasions.